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Augmented Audio Reality has come into existence to filter the surrounding noises that we hear on daily basis that hinder our concentration while working on something important, or making hurdles during our sleep, or simply because we don’t want to listen to a specific sound that annoys us. For instance, listening to live concerts in malls or streets, isn’t a cool idea for everyone. Everyone is different and has therefore different listening priorities.

Imagine you go to a subway and the mixed sound goes through your ear drums , like the sound of  crying babies, hustling of train engines, people talking very loudly, dog barking, etc. We have to tolerate such kind of noise and we are left with no choice. Augmented Audio Reality listening earbuds would not let this happen to you. If you don’t like to hear any such annoying sounds you may minimize any voice up to your comfort level. You are always given the choice to which extent you want to lessen the volume as well as the type of voice which is interrupting you.

Very high pitch noise such as horns of trucks, cars, engines, concerts, etc. aren’t good for our ears and these are quite capable to hamper our hearing capabilities if we are exposed to them on daily basis. These bionic ears will help us avoiding this so that our ear health is sound and optimum. These listening earbuds are available to filter the extreme sounds do not capture or record anything. These are simply meant for live use on daily basis while walking on the street, traveling, etc. The gadget is capable to concentrate on just one sound and heighten its volume to your comforts. For example, you want to hear birds chirping at a park but that is highly obstructed by children playing football, screaming, fighting, you then may adjust the sound as per your requirement and enjoy your visit there with a more peaceful self.

This idea belonged to Noah Kraft who is also CEO and one of the founders of Doppler Labs. He calls the device as “hearables”. One may also call this Here Buds or Doppler’s Here Active Listening System. These are battery powered buds with a speaker, a microphone and a near-zero-latency DSP (Digital Sound Processor). The cost for this Here Active Listening System device is $199 (or £135 or AU$180). Currently it isn’t affordable by everyone and Doppler too has released just 10,000 units at this point. They are planning to receive feedbacks by the new customers and according to the case studies making improvements. It is noted that most of the customers are musicians currently.