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Common myths about technology

There is no backing in the field of science and technology but whoever uses it doesn’t know everything about this and so numerous myths prevail and most people keep on believing without actually knowing the real facts related to anything. Following are the most common list of myths about technology that has spread among people:

Myth 1: More megapixels a camera has, better results it offers.

Fact: This is indeed a very common myth. Many people still believe that number of pixels have everything to do with the picture quality the camera generates but that is far from the truth. There are many factors that are responsible for delivering good results, such as size of megapixel, camera lens, circuitry and sensor. This is why some camera phones provide better results than those which have more MPs, even if such camera is of less MP. Therefore, next time whenever you plan to buy a camera or a phone make sure that you get to know about everything.

Myth 2: Mac computers do not get viruses.

Fact: Mac computers aren’t that much vulnerable to viruses that Windows OSs are but that doesn’t mean it cannot have one ever. Previously Apple marketed its computers claiming to be free from virus but in the year 2012 there were thousands of complains raised.

Myth 3: If one doesn’t drain the batteries of laptop or mobile phone completely and doesn’t charge them to full either, the batteries wouldn’t get completely charged later after some time.

Fact: Currently the batteries (lithium ion or lithium ion polymer) are much advanced and so one doesn’t need to wait for the device to get discharged completely. On the other hand, it isn’t necessary that you must charge your batteries to 100%. This too is far from the truth. The batteries don’t memorize the previous activity. So, no worries!

Myth 4: Incognito or private mode in the browser keeps a person anonymous and doesn’t expose his/her activities to the internet.

Face: The option of Incognito/Private in the browser is only for not keeping records like your browser history, bookmarks, auto logins, etc. in your own browser but it has no relation of keeping you entirely anonymous to the websites you are visiting.

Myth 5: Charging your phone overnight will damage the batteries.

Fact: Charging overnight doesn’t damage the mobile batteries because at present the battery is smart enough not to receive any electric signal once it gets completely charged.

Myth 6: Magnets erase the data.

Fact: Magnets are able to damage the data only when these are really big and the data lost in that case also would not be 100% . So, just chill. Magnets aren’t going to harm any of your electronic device.

Myth 7: One should not turn off his/her computer/laptop every day.

Fact: Though it is not hard and fast rule that shutting down the computer/laptop must be or not be done but the practice of turning the PC off every day is the best option. This ensures that the system works excellently for longer periods.

Myth 8: Standing besides the microwave is bad for health.

Fact: The microwave oven does produce some rays but the rays never get leaked while you cook something inside it. So, again it is a big fat lie!

Myth 9: Putting metallic substances inside a microwave causes spark.

Fact: Unless the metallic substance you put inside the oven doesn’t have sharp edges (like fork) there is no risk of sparks inside. The sharp edges cause electrons to collect on that specific area that results in sparks. Round surfaces such as spoons or a container don’t cause anything.

Myth 10: Video games make kids violent in nature.

Fact: The fact is exactly opposite. Kids who do play video games for a specific time frame are happier and more intelligent according to the studies and not violent. But setting time limit is important else it causes extreme addiction and eye damage.

Myth 11: Cell phones cause brain cancer.

Fact: There is no evidence that holds this statement true. Therefore, it is a pure misconception and has no relation with the reality.

Myth 12: Facebook donates $1 or more to one Like/Share/Comment to a specific person or entity whose photo gets circulated, who needs financial help for some medical reason.

Fact: Facebook does not donate on behalf of others just by hitting the Like/Share button or commenting non-meaningful words. Most photos shared are photoshopped and/or fake and are far from real. If Facebook announces something, its own CEO or other employees would do that, and not a third party link.

Myth 13: One may track the recent visitors of his/her Facebook profile.

Fact: Facebook hasn’t yet introduced the option of your profile visitors, although it does have records of every activity, including how many profile you visit and whose profiles you visit on daily basis. But for now these activities are kept private. Do not trust any third party apps that claim to show you your visitors because the results aren’t true. Your profile might also be at the risk of getting hacked.

Myth 14: The www (World Wide Web) and the internet are the same thing.

Fact: Both of these terms are not to be used interchangeably because their meanings are totally different. The term internet is derived from inter-network which means making a huge network of devices that could exchange useful information with each other. The devices could be desktop PCs, smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc. The web (www) is one of the networks that internet offers that itself has huge set of information of infinite websites. The websites that are in the database of the world wide web are always opened by the prefix www.

Above mentioned are the most common myths about technology that are busted here. If you know something more related to them then please specify in the comment section with the real facts. Till then embrace the current technology that is trying to make our lives easier.