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The world has undergone a huge change in the past few months, as now we are facing one of the biggest challenges we have confronted socially, environmentally and economically, every sector has been brought to a halt because right now survival is the only thing that matters.

The government’s restriction on the free movement of people for the purchase of goods and services has made a significant behavioral change in the way people shop. More and more people are exploring online purchasing options for even the most basic and necessary products and services.

E-commerce is adjusting rather well to the current dynamic environment and easing the way people consume goods and services, and that’s exactly the reason why there’s a speedy adoption of e-tail, Now there’s a sudden surge in the traffic that’s directed towards the e-commerce sites, and if you are still using the old and outdated system to maintain your site, chances are your website will crash, and in e-commerce, since the competition is tight, one mistake and poof! You lose your customer, so now the existing companies need to step up their game. But how?

Legacy system modernization – RETAIL to E-TAIL

The success of a company not only depends on the adoption of e-commerce, but an equal amount of priority should be given to making sure that the system you’ve chosen is updated to adapt to the current market scenario. An outdated technology costs the company efficiency, which has a domino effect on every other segment of its working; it costs you time, money, clients, and, most importantly, security.

In the current scenario, companies are coming together, collaborating, looking for partnerships and mergers to ease the business process, So during this time the most crucial function of your systems should be interoperability, i.e., work with the other systems complementarily . and to do so, your system should be modernized to be compatible with other systems.

We understand how hard it can be to replace an existing technology so we can help you with your legacy system modernization by:

  • Re-factoring i.e., restructuring the existing code to improve the design, structure, and/or implementation of the software (its non-functional attributes) while preserving the functionality of the software.
  • Re-hosting is another approach used to migrate the existing system into a cloud infrastructure while keeping the system intact.
  • Re-building is rewriting the entire code from scratch while keeping the scope and specifications intact; rebuilding helps in including features that will help the business in addressing its challenges.
  • Re-architecting is similar to rebuilding, but in re-architecting, the code is altered to shift to a new application in order to leverage the new platform’s vast features.
  • Encapsulate: The monolithic application is broken down into micro services application. The main idea is to break the monolithic application down into a micro services application. In the long haul, this will empower you to keep up and update every segment exclusively.
  • Replace: Sometimes, it’s better to replace the entire existing system with an alternative taking into consideration the new requirements and scope.

How we select the right legacy system modernization process

Every legacy system has different characteristics and features, and the reason they become inefficient or obsolete over time also varies, so we make necessary steps from the initial stages onward to select the most suitable modernization technique.


Not all the legacy software is outdated; we scrutinize and assess your current system to reveal any issues present and issues that might arise in the future.

Selecting the Approach

After the initial assessment, we select an approach that suits your needs and delivers quick and sustainable results.

Prioritizing Simplicity

The most commonly faced problem of legacy systems is its complexity, so we focus on maintaining the functionality of the system by prioritizing flexibility.


Documenting everything from requirements, engineering, source code, quality affirmations, maintenance, etc., and a roadmap of keeping the legacy system up to date to avoid any pitfalls in the future.

Regardless of whether you want to restructure your legacy system or migrate the entire system or even rebuild it from scratch, we are here to help, contact us at sales@ndz.co !