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What is Open Source Customization | Overview

Open Source software, as you know, contains the source code of a (system or application) software or a tool. It helps to customize the existing software so that it keeps on updating with time and requirement. It is obviously better than the closed source software...

Big data privacy, security challenges and solutions

The huge advances predominating in today’s technological scene has brought opportunities for big data to improve businesses across industries and boost markets. Its role has been increased to a degree where obtaining value from received information has proven to be...

How VoIP Works | Voice over Internet Protocol

The way the mankind used to communicate at long distances has been evolved greatly in the last centuries. The traditional methods are replaced by many new technically sound substitutes because of a number of drawbacks. We have now realized that the analog sound has to...

What are the types of Penetration Testing | Pen Test

Every computer program requires to be tested in order to confirm its working. A computer software is a set of programs which too needs to be checked whether it works as per expectations. The software testing follows a list of protocols to ensure the quality. If the...