Any sensitive directory inside the linux server have to be password protected or the sensitive datas might get lost. The most secure way of protecting a web folder is to use htaccess and htpassword.
If you are a beginner, we recommend using the cPanel Password Protect Directory icon. That icon can only protect all the files in a folder, not one specific file.
- Create a file named .htpasswd and place it above your web folder so visitors can’t access it.
EXAMPLE: /home/$user/public_html/web/.htpasswd - Put the username and encrypted password inside the .htpasswd file. EXAMPLE:
newuser:AgwYvaOJ09GII Place the below shown codes in the .htaccess file which is in the folder '
/home/$user/public_html/web/' <FilesMatch "file.html"> AuthName "Member Only" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /home/$user/public_html/web/.htpasswd require valid-user </FilesMatch> create the new user, here in this example(newuser) with the command htpasswd like shown below. htpasswd -c /home/$user/public_html/web/.htpasswd newuser then the command prompt will ask for the password for the user to be entered.