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SEO is nothing without content and Vice-Versa! The SEO performed on your website will be effective and fruitful only when it is backed up with good content. SEO will help your website to rank better, but for the users to stick to your website you need content that is genuine and full of information placed in a systematic order. There is no doubt when great SEO’s says that content is the King when it comes to SEO.

good content, SEO & content

We here a lot about good content and its importance in making a website popular. But when SEO’s says ‘Good Content’ what exactly does they mean? Well a good content is 100% genuine, without even a percent of plagiarism. There are various tools online that helps in finding out how real is your content, the Google plagiarism checker is one such famous tool, that help you to determine the uniqueness of your content. Intensive research and a flare for writing is required to write a ‘Worth Reading’ content. Content writing is an art that needs continuous polishing through regular reading.

For SEO experts good content is the magic wand that accelerates the traffic to a website as well as scales a low ranking website to the top position. An informative and differently written content keeps the reader engrossed and engaged in the website and increase their interest in the website giving them the urge to visit the website again. The content is the main factor for which the user visit the website repeatedly. If your website is good to look at, but there is not much to explore inside, then even SEO will not be able to help you in maintaining a top position, eventually your website will hit the downward spiral!

Some tips to write good content:

1) Keep your content short and sweet.

2) Be creative but to the point.

3) Use bulleted points instead of long paragraphs.

4) Try to avoid too difficult words, looking at which the reader will have to run for dictionary. Keep in mind that readers don’t like complex content, its of no interest to them. So keep your content simple, i.e in easy to understand form.

5) Collect ideas from various resources instead of sticking to just one and then season it with your experience. People love to hear real life experiences!

6) Never ever copy paste! That is the biggest sin in SEO & Content writing. Throw the magic of your own words on the readers.

7) Select the Keywords for which you want your website to rank and accordingly start with the content. This will greatly help in increasing the keyword density factor of the content.

8) Give an interesting tittle to your content as that is the first thing that a user sees about your content. The better the tittle the greater the number of people visiting your content.

Read enormously and regularly for that is the only thing that is going to help you to come up with relevant content. Good content mixed with the different flavors of SEO will take your website to soaring heights.