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Do you know Instagram has 800 million monthly active users? Yes, it has also grown as one of the most powerful social networks currently. Needless to say that it is the best place to promote your products, services and yourself if you want to be an influencer. It makes connecting with people, and reach a new circle within your target market. Then, what are the fresh ideas for Instagram you can use to market your business, any idea? We’ll take a look at a bunch of amazing tips you can use to market your business on Instagram.

Conduct Instagram Contests

Running a contest is the best way to getting more followers, capturing leads, or sell more products or services. Giveaways, photo contests, and sweepstakes to build up fanbases, boost engagement are common in the Instagram platform. Let’s take a look at a few ideas you can use Instagram contests to take your business’ social media marketing successfully.

1. Hashtag contest

Create your page starting with one of the templates from contest tools and put together an attractive prize package and a few attention-grabbing posts, some ads, if you have the budget.

Participants upload photos to Instagram with a branded hashtag of your selection, and these photos automatically come in a gallery on your contest page where people can vote on photos and see photos from other participants. Allowing voting on your contest page lets you get more visibility, followers and collect email addresses, which is key when it comes to marketing.

2. Run an Instagram sweepstakes

Though hashtag contests are impressive, asking participants to upload a photo with a branded hashtag to their profile can sometimes make chaos. Instagram sweepstakes can be an alternative instead. The entry process is a bit different compared to hashtag contests. With a contest-app build a sweepstakes page highlighting information about your contest, your prize and a form with notice that you want to get from participants.

Then, schedule a set of Instagram posts or Instagram Stories that tell followers and participants about the sweepstakes with a call-to-action directing them to your contest page now created. On Instagram usually, the link is put in your bio so people can simply click and enter.

Instagram sweepstakes work especially well when you have an ad budget. This is because Instagram ads are the only way to send people to an outside link from a post, and sending people to your sweepstakes page is important to accumulating emails and getting participants.

3. Bonus entry contest

Marketing goes well on Instagram but initially, you need to have followers. Whether you have a brand-new business striving to get started on Instagram or are just looking to grow your business’, a bonus entry contest is a good try.

Bonus entry contests are the best way to quickly grow your following and take action on multiple social platforms, which is a must for any growing business. They work brightly for building your social following because they immediately reward entrants who engage with your business on social media

Bring Sales through Instagram

1. Landing page or product page with Instagram Ads

By creating ads for your products that link to your web store can benefit straight. Ads should not be as same as your competitors. They allow you to add a click-through link, which isn’t feasible on any other sort of Instagram marketing techniques.

Post a catchy photo of your products with SEO friendly descriptions or a call-to-action in the caption. Then, ask your customers to buy! If you want to increase your chances at a sale, add a time limit for your sales. Giving people a reason they should act or buy as soon as possible rather than later is an efficient way to promote the conversion rate of your ads.

One of the most essential parts of a thriving ad is the page you send them to. An optimized landing page or product page is compulsory.

2. Post discounts & coupons

On Instagram people browse their feeds without much intent – they usually do it to keep up on the latest with their connections or idly do it to pass the time. If you want to push sales through Instagram, engage your followers with content that converts them into active viewers.

Usually, people respond well to advertisements when combined with appealing product posts. Display your offerings with a product photo and text that gives an offer or coupon code. You can choose special occasions or you can make occasions for your own page.

3. Get customers to follow you on Instagram for a discount

Existing customers are a good place to start your expansion. Just make them show you that they follow your Instagram account by giving random offers exclusively to them.

Create a popup or landing page for your website that gets people to enter their email address and add a bonus entry action that supplies them points for following you on Instagram. Once they’ve made this, set up a triggered email that grants them a discount code.

Instagram Content

1. Post Product photos Regularly

Instagram marketing at its most uncomplicated consists of product photos, but it’s not a procedure that should be taken carelessly! A blend of great photography and a call to action caption can benefit you find success with Instagram marketing. A solid, consistent brand strategy for Instagram is to post photos regularly. In each caption, state its price, try highlighting the product’s sale points, and lead people to where they can get it.

2. Use various content types

It’s a good idea to keep up with the various types of content Instagram lets businesses post. Examine by using video once when a photo just won’t do or using Instagram storytelling carousel feature. Using different content forms enables you to maximize your influence on the platform. Video catches eye among all other photos.

3. Show your product

Though product photos are great, one way to make them feel more relatable to your followers is by showing them how customers have used it. Showing someone using the product makes it more straightforward for your followers to relate to the photo. It also serves the second purpose of showing people the various usages of your product.

4. Customer Reviews and Testimonials

It’s one thing for you to tell your followers that your products are outstanding and that they should buy them…but it cannot be done directly instead your followers will accept if the real people opine about your product after usage. If you collect testimonials, reviews, or have been sent stories about your product, keep sharing them on Instagram as stories and posts itself!

Comments and Hashtags

1. Comment on products similar to yours

You can direct some traffic to your Instagram page by commenting on other posts from local or product/brand-related accounts. Obtain posts using the hashtags you’ve curated in the earlier tip and give a few comments randomly. This can help connect you with likely local customers and customers within your industry and drive a bit of brand awareness. Try to leave valuable comments this will help you build relationships with other brands.

2. Use Hashtags that are Product-Related

Hashtags play a major role in Instagram’s success. Using the right hashtags can help by increasing engagement on your posts, making them more likely to show up higher on your followers’ feeds or on possible customers’ Explore feeds.

The two best-performing types of hashtags so far for businesses are local hashtags and brand-related hashtags. Check out your competitors to get an idea about hashtags.


1. Together is a win-win

Instagram is a place where a lot of collaborations happen everyday. Think about partnering with other brands whose products go with yours as a set in joint marketing campaigns.

2. Contest or giveaway with a brand

Conducting contest or giveaway together with a brand as we said earlier. Put together an awesome prize package highlighting both of your products. This helps you engage both of your fanbases and benefits each other.

Influencer Marketing

Associate with an influencer

Inspiring Instagrammers became marketing equipment a while ago. Instagram influencer marketing still continues prevalent among the platform. Access to your target market, reach out to an influential Instagram figure and ask them to create a sponsored post that highlights your business or product and directs their followers to your website or store. Or, arrange a giveaway with them! Rather than selecting one person who charges more choose one with genuine connections within your industry and local area

Hope this tips will help you find success on Instagram. It can be a complex platform to grasp, but I’m sure these plans will help you launch your Instagram marketing.

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