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Types of Big Data – Structured and Unstructured

One could find many random articles on Big Data but still very few understand it in the actual sense. Other than that, only few are those who will know it in deep, others have just a basic idea. Most middle to large scale businesses are using it because of its so many...

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Install APCu in cPanel server

Apcu is a php module used for data caching. Steps for the installation is as follows 1. Login in to server via SSH with root access 2. Install necessary pcre-devel package prior to the APCu installation yum install pcre-devel 3. Then install APCu via PECL repository...

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How would the future of internet be?

The term internet has evolved decades back from interconnecting the computers in the U.S. Department of Defense, to occupying all kinds of devices reside in the world at present. Nobody could imagine that the transfer of data would be 'easy as ABC'. So, what's next?...

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The best 7 gadgets coming in 2017

As technology are improving, new gadgets are launched with advanced features. In the past, most of the electronic devices were mainly designed for performing a single purpose, but now with modern technologies been invented with which even a single device can perform...

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