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We are already two decades past 2000. If we look back in early 2000s, major technology breakthroughs had been done. In fact, the year 2019 has run so quickly. Lots of technology enthusiasts and coders had worked hard to meet the worldly demands. Some succeeded, some didn’t. Speaking of “technology”, it is an umbrella term used for various streams and is not just confined to IT sector.

For instance, if it includes the progress being done in machine learning and quantum computing then it also includes industrial automation, augmented reality, and many such diverse topics. The point is, it can contain literally anything. Each year comes with new hopes so that whatever was planned is implemented and turns out to be a milestone. But it may or may not hold true in each case.

Like if someone claims that the upcoming year 2020 will successfully bring plenty of changes and people’s lives will be easier, it can be the case that scientists reach halfway through (or even less) their experiments that still require countless live testing and maintenance, with lots of bugs yet to be fixed.

It does not mean that people behind it are not working hard enough but their challenges are exasperating that bound them to spend several hours in finding out the right logic to make everything work. This particular blog focuses on the top 5 technology trends that were claimed during the onset of 2019 and how far those were reached by the end of this year.

Top 5 Technology Trends

Image Credit: flickr.com

Top 5 Technology Trends in 2019

Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

The term Artificial Intelligence has always been a hype. People imagine a machine that mimics humans, quite literally, and keep debating whether governments should allow its research or not. Undoubtedly it has to be top 5 technology trends in 2019. But how much it has progressed so far is the question.

One of the most basic examples could be stated is that of android phones. There are cases when, instead of setting passwords or patterns, the handset also has options to take fingerprint and face to recognize the actual owner.

Most of you are already familiar with above-mentioned details. But have you noticed that your phone recognizes you even when you wear glasses (after a few attempts) despite that you did not wear it while setting it in the first place? So, how did that happen? This is a small form of Machine Learning. The machine learned that it is you who is wearing glasses.

Machine Learning is a subset of AI. Researchers are working on it to automate things like businesses. Chatbots, for example, for basic consumer queries. It is the ML that lets only those products show up that are of interest to users. For instance, Netflix personalizes the TV shows and movies for its subscribers using ML. This helps the business owners to earn profits as they understand their customers better like what their expectations are, how happy they are with the bought products, etc.

Natural Language Processing (NLP), which is a subset of ML, is on the rise and that will continue till 2025. Voice assistants like Siri, Echo, Google Assistant provide platforms through which humans’ voices are recognized, understood, and processed accordingly as commanded.

Quantum Computer

Quantum computers are entirely different from our regular classic computers in terms of methods to solve problems and time taken to resolve those on an overall basis. These don’t follow the principle of binary 0s and 1s, instead it uses qubit method.

In theory, we can state that Quantum Computing involves several millions of possibilities of given data to come up with the right kind of certain results. It can include literally any stream, like education, medicine, space, etc.

For instance, if someone wants to experiment on a medicine to have a precise idea about the aftereffects on each kind of human DNA structure, without actually doing that practically to avoid failures, QC can help with that within a few hours. What QC can do is, provide infinite possibilities of the results for each DNA that medicine can deliver.

A regular computer is not capable to do that, or else it will take forever to come up with ALL results. Such kinds of experiments need to be done by quantum computers. In fact, if not executed by QC, it is believed to take the same length of time as age of this universe. It is still in its miniature stage, but scientists do claim that once done, it would change the world.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Both AR and VR are in use today but the the implementations are confined just as source of entertainment instead of having any practical application, despite the initial claims. So, it is quite legitimate that more researches should be done for real purposes. In the last 5 years, these terms have gained huge popularity and people have witnessed traces of their utility; Google glass, for example, despite being a failure. But there is more into it that is yet to be explored.

There is no surprise that Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are put together with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to explore more horizons. So, what does it mean?

This implies that in every field of Information Technology, ML and AI will merge to better it even further. As discussed earlier, ML plays a pivotal role for a system to understand and make further decisions accordingly, it will obviously impact the technology in a positive way. One can imagine the countless possibilities that could happen if the theory is implemented in real. Although this hasn’t happened so far in 2019, but will take its shape post 2020.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The term Internet of Things isn’t recently coined, yet one cannot surely claim that it has reached the mark of predictions being made previously. Apart from shaping this concept into a reality, it is also quite challenging to take security aspects into consideration as everything will be connected to the Internet, the data will be vulnerable for sure. Speaking of security, 2019 hasn’t been that great. The researchers will work more on this in coming months, i.e. after 2020.


It’s the fifth generation wireless technology that began to deploy in 2019. It is also one of the top 5 technology trends in 2019 that began but yet to be explored. Usually in layman terms, most people understand 5G is by simply associating that with speedier network that downloads data extremely fast. To sum up, 5G technology was new in 2019 but will be mainstream in 2020 and beyond.

We believe that we have covered the most popular top 5 technology trends in 2019 and also things to expect in 2020. If you still think that something very important is missed, you can state that in the comment section below.

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