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A cloud server is also known as the virtual server operating in a cloud computing environment. It is developed, hosted and distributed through a cloud computing platform via internet and it can be obtained remotely. Cloud servers have all the software they need to work and can function as independent systems.

The cloud is usually used to indicate certain servers combined to the internet that can be hired as part of a software or application service. Cloud-based services can incorporate data hosting, web hosting, sharing, and software or application use. The ‘Cloud’ also indicates cloud computing where servers are connected collectively to share the load. This implies that rather than using one particular powerful machine, multiple processes can be shared across many smaller computers.

One of the benefits of cloud storage is that there are many scattered resources operating as one. They are often called federated storage clouds. This presents the cloud very receptive of faults due to the combination of data. Use of the cloud favours decreasing the production of different versions of files because of the shared access to files, documents and data.

What are the Benefits of a Cloud Server/Cloud computing

The period of supporting a dedicated on-site server is failing and shifting to a hosted cloud service will help enhance your company’s workflow, save money, and assure that you stay advanced.

Improved Security

A cloud server provides business security and stability because all software problems are separated from the context. Cloud servers will not affect each other. If a user burdens their cloud server, this will have no consequence on your cloud server, unlike with real servers.

Cloud servers are steady, quick and secure. They shun the hardware problems observed with physical servers, and they are expected to be the most stable choice for businesses requirements to manage their IT budget.

We all realise that data protection is a top preference even if we are an IT expert or not. A cloud-based platform indicates that no matter what transpires to the hardware, whether it is a lost laptop or a virus on a PC, your delicate data will be secure and sound in the cloud, particularly if you employ safety features like Two-factor Authentication or single-sign. Moreover, file transfers are more reliable because partners no longer require to email the data back and forth, running the risk of sensitive information being sent or downloaded. All data remains secure within the Cloud.

Consolidated Association

As your data in a cloud platform is combined into a single mass, you can cooperate with others on projects and effortlessly distribute your work. Interaction between you and your associates is hastened, productive, and more active. Despite your company’s consumer or supplier setup, everyone uses the same files, format and in the same place in real-time enhancing the organization and flexibility of projects. With a cloud platform, you can also combine into your existing technology toolset, quickly transferring data through API or connectors, with the opportunity to automate methods.

Access Anytime from Anywhere

With your technology platform in the Cloud server, users can reach their accounts anytime and from any place. Projects can be operated on multiple machines and in any spot with an internet connection. Because users aren’t confined to a particular location, workers have more freedom and flexibility. Working anytime is not always the case with a dedicated server. When it is time for server support or upgrades, dedicated servers have a downtime period and productivity crunches to a stop. Cloud servers have zero downtime deployment so devices are upgraded automatically even while users are working in the platform giving it an continuous workflow without the slightest idea of them of knowing about it.


Cloud servers are an easy way to scale your volume. It is very simple to upgrade by supplementing memory and disk space, as well as being more economic within a short time. The benefit of scalability means it gives you the freedom to increase and decrease workload. As your company expands, cloud servers can scale up or scale down equally and adjust quickly to meet your needs. With a dedicated server, this is achievable but it is an expensive, time draining and often complex process. A cloud service also gives the opportunity to pay your subscription on a monthly basis which can be tailored to your business’ demands. So, as your business progresses, your cloud platform can grow with you and if you need to scale down operations, it’s possible to pay for the services you use only.

Effective Management of Time and Cost

Cloud servers present a faster service for your capital. You’ll get more support and more active service than you would for a similar price of a physical server. A cloud-hosted website will run quicker.

Utilizing a cloud server will save you money in the long-term. Costly hardware investments will be a piece of the past. Cloud platforms don’t need time-consuming software installation and you will no longer be wasting money and manpower on IT infrastructure and support. The server demands are taken care of by your cloud provider releasing up your time and funds so that you can take care of other business challenges.

Through easy collaboration, improved flow of your workforce, less downtime deployment, and more. Your whole workflow will be more fruitful. Including a cloud server is a cost-effective approach and it will have an enduring benefit for your enterprise and the cloud users.

Organizations choosing cloud server is on the rise every year, and it doesn’t take long to see why. Companies understand cloud computing benefits and see how they influence their production, collaboration, security and revenue. By adopting a cloud-based solution, any industry can anticipate a lot of problems that trouble businesses that depend on on-premises infrastructure.


What is Cloud Server Technology?

A cloud server is principally an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) based cloud service model. There are two kinds of cloud server they are logical and physical. A cloud server is supposed to be logical when it is transferred through server virtualization. In this delivery type, the physical server is logically allocated into two or more logical servers, each of which has an individual OS, user interface and apps, although they share physical segments from the underlying physical server.

Whereas the physical cloud server is also obtained through the Internet remotely, it isn’t shared or distributed. This is usually known as a dedicated cloud server.

Examples of Cloud Computing Services

Many miscellaneous vendors offer different types of cloud-computing services:

  • Apple iCloud — Network storage
  • Google App Engine — Application hosting
  • Amazon EC2 — Virtual IT
  • Google Apps and Microsoft Office Online — SaaS

Some providers extend cloud computing services for free, while others need a paid subscription.

Best Cloud Hosting Services Available

We’ve analysed peculiarities and security to support and account for the money. So, the following list shows the top providers for cloud hosting:

  • HostGator: Storage Space not measured
  • A2 Hosting: Most useful For Overall Cloud Hosting
  • SiteGround: Most beneficial For Customer Service
  • DreamHost: Economical Cloud Hosting
  • InMotion: CPU Cores not measured

There are so many best free cloud hosting services available in the market which  are equally competent to the rest of others that are offering the same kinds of services.

If you have any queries about how to use cloud efficiently for your business, or how to optimize your cloud performance and overcome cost issues, then reach us. NdimensionZ Solutions is a leading Cloud server consultants in Cochin. NDZ provides end-to-end solution to migrate data from your current infrastructure to the Cloud with no Data Loss, short downtime and 100% application adaptability.